Easter 2013

Easter 2013

This was our first year to dye Easter Eggs. Memphis crushed most of them within a few minutes reminding us why we’ve never bothered to try it before. Oh well, it was still fun and no cups of dye were spilled in the process so it was a success in my book. By the way, brown eggs dye the prettiest. The colors (while they lasted) were gorgeous.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

“Can we hunt Easter eggs today?” was the question asked at least 10x a day during the three weeks prior to Easter. I just love how much excitement the boys have been for holidays and birthdays. Ezra’s already asking how many days until his next birthday! (It was two months ago. Two posts ago in blog time… shameful I know.)

Remember the fun little project a alluded to last week? I’m putting together the announcement now. Stay tuned!

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