Periodically throughout the day Ezra will announce that he needs to ‘work’. Since Brad and I both work from home, his perception of work is that you get on the computer and fool around with things. When Ezra ‘works’ he turns on the computer and either loads up iTunes and picks out his own movie to watch or he does his new favorite activity:

Photo Booth!

He laughs his head off while he plays around with it so I was surprised to see that he has his serious face on in so many pictures. I guess he was busy concentrating. Who knows.

His favorite (though you wouldn’t know it judging by his less than enthusiastic expression) is the birds. It reminds him of one of his favorite books by Mo Willems: There’s a Bird on Your Head. He’ll say: “Excuse me birds, will you please go somewhere else?” We’re BIG Mo Willems fans in this house.

I like the hearts. Is he thinking about Lucy? He talks about her enough. 😉

And I thought this one was funny:

Have a great weekend!

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