Here are a couple of pics of our pumpkins. We would have taken pics of the carving process, but we didn’t think that juggling a camera, a curious baby, knives, and heavy squash (a pumpkin is a squash right? No time for fact checking here!) was a good idea. Maybe next time.
Category Archives: Family
Happy [belated] Halloween!
We LOVE Halloween! It might just be our favorite holiday. We decided to be Dutch this year. Or German rather, since they are more like Oktoberfest costumes, but since we don’t drink we obviously wouldn’t be celebrating a beer drinking holiday! Anyway, I thought it would be just too cute to have Brad […]
The Pumpkin Patch
Every year the United Methodist Church on Carteret St. has a little pumpkin patch. It’s the prettiest one I’ve ever seen. Downtown Beaufort is so picturesque as it is, this pumpkin patch just fits right in. I’m sure they thought we were crazy taking so many pictures (this is just a small sampling), but I […]
Ah, the art of distraction. It’s one of the all time greatest parenting techniques. I use it often through out the day. It keeps your things clean and drool free, helps with tantrums, and even keeps the squirmy wiggles at bay during diaper changes. In short, it helps keep a parent’s sanity. The secret is […]
Weekend Company
We had a little visitor pop in to say hello this afternoon. We aren’t sure how he was able to get in. He crawled out from under the head rest on Brad’s usual chair and meandered from one side to the other. (Thank goodness Brad wasn’t sitting there or he would have had a heart […]