Lima Peru

Evan found out a little while ago where he’s going on his mission. Lima, Peru! He’ll actually be serving in the northern mission which is mostly jungle and has very little area in Lima itself. He leaves at the end of September and will serve for two years. He’s been studying up on his Spanish […]

Day of Service

On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of church members from coast to coast participated in a day of service. Volunteers stocked shelves, constructed houses, cleaned up parks & picked up trash, raised money for charity, helped families in need, and everything in between. Our congregation here in Beaufort helped organize a CAPA (Child Abuse Prevention Association) event called […]

Ezra’s blessing

Ezra’s blessing was this past weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Young and Aunt Amy came all the way from Utah to be with us on this special occasion. It was so wonderful to have them here to visit! We miss them terribly now that they are gone! Although it was a little cool and wet outside, […]