It’s A Boy!

As most of you know, we are expecting our first baby. Due to arrive in early February, we are eagerly anticipating his arrival. Time has gone by quickly and other than the horrible morning sickness which followed me up through week 20 and still occasionally rears its ugly head, the pregnancy has gone smoothly. You can expect to hear about this a lot over the next few months as this is the biggest thing going on in our lives right now. Here is a photo from the ultrasound we had back in the beginning of September. When the tech started the machine his two little feet were pressing out against my stomach. It was so cute!

Canada, eh?

Over the summer Brad and I took a couple of weeks to travel around visiting family. The trip was planned before I found out I was pregnant and I must admit that for me the trip wasn’t much fun. (Morning sickness stinks!!) The first stop was Utah. It had been almost two years since we had last seen everyone. It’s amazing how quickly the nieces and nephews are growing! It was even our first time to meet Lily and Gage. We then rented a car and drove 22 hours (morning sickness + car sickness = lots of emergency pit stops) up to my grandpa’s lake house. I hadn’t been there since I was eight and I remembered it quite different from what it is today. Though the trip was at the end of June, we were freezing! The mountains still had plenty of snow. I dared the boys to go for a swim in what felt like ice water. They of course took the dare and regained feeling in the limbs about an hour later. After a few days at the lake, we made our way down to Vancouver to see my grandpa’s new digs. We then took a ferry over to Vancouver Island to visit my Uncle Bill and Aunt Ronnie. There were so many things to see and it was such a beautiful place. It’s good to be home, though!