The End of an Era

It is with mixed emotions that we have finally decided to part with our Beetle. It’s been a part of our family for a long time. Unfortunately, we are unable fit both a great dane and a car seat in the back. So it is with heavy hearts that we are putting it up for sale. We’re asking $6,500 but we’re flexible on the price, so if anybody is looking for a cute little bug let us know.

Ezra’s blessing

Ezra’s blessing was this past weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Young and Aunt Amy came all the way from Utah to be with us on this special occasion. It was so wonderful to have them here to visit! We miss them terribly now that they are gone!

Although it was a little cool and wet outside, it was a beautiful day. Brad and I have looked forward to this for some time. We had trouble conceiving and tried for several years before sweet little Ezra surprised us. I was emotional and teary the entire morning! The blessing was beautiful and he behaved so well. Doesn’t he look so cute in his little blessing suit? 

Virtual Shower

I was blessed with some amazing friends throughout jr. high and high school. When news of Ezra’s arrival reached them, they got together to throw a shower for me. With Julie acting as proxy mommy, they opened all the gifts then re-wrapped them and sent them on their way. Here are some pics from my side of the shower. I love the one with the bib. His expression is priceless!