It’s ALIVE!!!

Gardening is a talent that I wish I possessed. Unfortunately, my thumbs are black, not green. All plants in my care seem to wilt with despair the moment I place them in my shopping cart. It’s as if they know they are doomed to fate they cannot escape. My granny did not have this affliction. She could put anything in the ground and it would flourish. I once asked her what her secret was. She said when she’s done planting she points at it and says “Live or die.” then she walks away. 

When my granny passed away last year I was able to get most of the plants from her garden. I tried and tried, but it seems all odds were against me. Frost and pests claimed many. Others were killed by my kindness. Several plants have survived, however, much to my surprise. The plant pictured is one of them. I forget what kind it is. I thought it bit the dust last year, but apparently they die back every winter. All I did was water it and it started growing. Water, huh? Who knew?

Our new couch


After waiting for over 14 weeks (there was only supposed to be an 8 to 12 week lead time so we are growing rather impatient), our new couch is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! We can’t tell you how excited we are! We’ve been remodeling the house we are currently in and have only started furnishing our home a couple of months ago. For the last two years we’ve been sitting on chairs from everyone’s favorite swedish retailer. We are so ready to spread out on a nice comfy couch! Hopefully it will arrive tomorrow as scheduled!

Visit from family

Brad and I are bad about taking pictures. We promised ourselves that we would change once Ezra arrived on the scene. While we have improved, we still tend to slip back into our old ways. When Brad’s mom, dad, and sister came out for Ezra’s blessing we kept forgetting to take our camera along on our outings. Luckily, Brad’s dad is awesome about taking pictures. Here are some of the shots they sent us from their visit.

Playing in the mud

Landscaping our yard is last on our ‘to do’ list for remodeling our house. We’ve only now started working on seeding the lawn. With no grass to cover the sandy black dirt we have here, keeping Kenzie clean (or the house for that matter) is next to impossible. She absolutely loves it though and wouldn’t have it any other way.