Let’s eat!

Ezra seems to think that Mom’s Diner stays open all night. He’s been waking up more and more lately to enjoy a midnight snack (or two or three). At his 4 month check up on Friday his pediatrician suggested we give him some cereal before bed to see if it helps him sleep longer. (It didn’t. In fact, I think it made him hungrier.) His reaction was so cute! He doesn’t seem too impressed with solid food. I couldn’t pick just one or two pics from the event. To get the full effect, you have to see them in order. 

Out come the wisdom teeth!

What you are looking at here is a nice ribeye steak which happens to be pulling double duty as an ice pack for my face. My wisdom teeth came out Monday morning. The surgery went amazingly well which is a huge relief considering all of the horrible experiences so many of my friends have been through with their extractions. I thought I just closed my eyes for a second and before I knew it I was waking up to a mouthful of gauze. The swelling was minimal. Brad said it just looked like I had gained 5 pounds (not sure how to take that). I didn’t have much pain either and ended up not needing to take any pain meds. Eating is a little tricky, but I’m healing nicely. Now I can’t wait to get my new retainer and get my pearly whites all straightened out again. My orthodontist appointment is scheduled for the beginning of July. 

April’s Wedding

I had the honor of attending my dear friend April’s wedding on Friday. I arrived for the two o’clock ceremony around a quarter to 2:00 and to my surprise I was invited to participate as an honored guest. I felt like I stuck out a little though – everyone seemed to be wearing brown while I was wearing a navy and orange floral skirt. When I returned home and our mail resumed, I received a note requesting my participation and notifying me of the wedding colors – champagne, mocha, and espresso. Oops! I felt so bad! I hope she doesn’t feel I ruined her video or pictures. 

The wedding was simply lovely – beautiful weather, beautiful ceremony, and of course a beautiful bride. Did I mention the fantastic bows on the chairs at the reception? 🙂 It was wonderful to see all of my friends as well as a few faces I haven’t seen since high school. Hope to see you again soon! Best wishes to the bride and groom!