Sugar Baby

Here is a picture of Ezra when he discovered the huge candy bowl my sister brought to the beach. He kept going for the Pixie Stix. I think somehow he knew that if he sucked on them long enough he would eventually reach the sugary sweetness inside. 

(F.Y.I. That bowl only held a small fraction of the candy Erin brought with her. I’m not the biggest candy eater, but I think everyone else left the beach with one heck of a sugar buzz.)

The Little Zoo That Could

A couple of years ago Animal Planet did a series on the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo titled The Little Zoo That Could. The show followed the zoo through at least two hurricanes, documenting their evacuation and recovery efforts. Brad and I decided we would check it out next time we visited Gulf Shores so we packed up our little family and enjoyed a nice sunny day at the zoo. Ezra was a big hit with the animals. They all seemed pretty interested in him and several left the cool comfort of the shade to make their way over and check us out. Who could blame them? Ezra looked so cute in his little safari outfit!

Gulf Shores

We just got back from vacation in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We love it there! The beaches there are sugar white and so soft. Brad and I are ready to buy a beach house and become surf bums! Early on in the week the ocean was like glass and we were able to take Erin and Leo’s sea kayaks out on the water. I even managed to get pretty close to the dolphins. Towards the end of the week the waves picked up which made for some awesome tubing and body surfing at what Evan and Katelyn like to call the “North Shore” of Gulf Shores. We’ve been home for almost a week, but we’re having trouble getting back in the swing of things. We still have yet to unpack! More pics to come.