Our Halloween

Halloween 2012 - the Modern Home

Halloween 2012 - the Modern Home

Dragons have long tongues.

Halloween 2012 - the Modern Home

He valiantly fought all the trees. And shrubs. And pinecones.

Halloween 2012 - the Modern Home blog


Halloween 2012 - the Modern Home

Okay, so really we’re just plain old vikings, but we knew that the only way to get Ezra on board (especially since race car driver was on the table at one point) was to tell him we were going to be the characters from How to Train Your Dragon. It was the only way to explain what a viking was and muster up some enthusiasm. So there you go. Most people thought he wasn’t part of our theme, but at least the youth at the ward trunk-or-treat got it.

I usually DIY everyone’s costumes, but this year I went with ease and ordered Ezra’s online. I picked out the viking accessories (sword, shield, wig & hat) at the same place. I lucked out with the brown fleece fabric. The cheapest fabric I could find was $4 a yard, but Walmart had big fleece blankets on sale for just over $2 each (!!!) so we bought one of those to cut up. The faux fur fabrics were from JoAnns and were on a half off sale.

We were the only trick-or-treaters that showed up for most people. They loved it. Ezra, on the other hand: “Okay that’s enough candy. Let’s go home.” after every. single. house. Kids these days.

from the phone

instagrams 10/12 from the modern home blog

1. Our view every morning 2. Nightly story time with the boys 3. A good read

4. Goodies in the mail from Grandma 5. Kenzie’s fave bedtime story 6. Wish we could see some hatching

7. Targeting 8. A moth to a flame 9. Turban

10. That can’t be comfortable 11. Coloring with mommy’s makeup 12. Fabric

13. Mischief is his middle name 14. Self portraits while mommy works 15. Hardly made it through the door

Our thoughts and prayers are with those dealing with the after-effects of Sandy. Stay safe everyone!

Instagram @themodernhome

Ezra says…

ezra - the modern home blog

Kids provide such wonderful comic relief. Here are a few recent gems from Ezra:


In the bathtub

Ezra: Watch my trick!

Brad: Wow! Are you a dolphin?

Ezra: No, I’m a boy!

Brad: Are you a shark?

Ezra: No, I am a boy!

Brad: Are you sure? How do you know?

Ezra: Look at my balls! I have balls! I’m a boy!


Brad: Ezra, stop freaking out. It’s time to go bye bye.

Ezra: I’m not freaking out! I’m freaking in!


Brad: Are you done going potty?

Ezra: No, my bum is still downloading.


At IHOP doing the potty dance

Brad: Ezra, do you need to go to the bathroom?

Ezra: No. My bum is closed. I shut it down.

Brad: Come on. Let’s go potty.

Ezra: I don’t need to poop, Daddy. I turned my bum off.


Apparently he’s part robot.

Have a nice weekend!



In his defense…

The girl on the bike totally cut him off.

E & M driving the cart - the modern home blog


In other news:

– Memphis chipped a tooth. Not surprising considering this kid’s talent for opening just about any container with his teeth. I imagine his future to be something like this.
– We finally picked out our Halloween costumes. I can’t wait! Bring on the trick or treating!
– Did another closet purge this weekend. I have at least 2/3 of my clothes in bags ready to donate. Feels good.
– I’m getting an early start on Christmas shopping this year. I’ve decided I’d like to actually enjoy the holidays rather than stress. Novel, eh? I’m .008 of the way done.