Mail Call

Who doesn’t love getting mail? Lucky little Ezra gets mail from his cousins in Utah. They sent valentines just two weeks after he was born (and of course I put all of them in his baby box). Here’s a letter that his sweet cousin Morgan sent him this week. Love you, Morgan!

Ezra’s first tooth

Had I been keeping up with my posting very well this summer I would have blogged about this two weeks ago when it actually happened. But I’ve been busy and haven’t kept up so here you go two weeks late:

So here I am sitting on the couch (two weeks ago) chatting on the phone with my little brother who just moved to Utah (temporarily) when Ezra crawled over to me, climbed up in my lap, and started gnawing on my hand. That’s when I felt it – a tooth! I couldn’t believe it! We’d been keeping our eyes out for an appearance and nothing. The pediatrician even had a look during Ezra’s six month check up two days prior and couldn’t even see the beginnings of one! Of course anytime anyone tries to peak in his mouth, Ezra’s tongue goes crazy trying to fight off the intruding fingers. I haven’t been able to get a picture of his new little tooth yet as his tongue is still on the defense, but hopefully soon!

Cloth Diaper Update

It’s official! We are 100% cloth diaper now! When we first began using cloth diapers we used disposables at night and when we went out, but we’ve slowly transitioned and now we only use cloth. We ordered some new style – the Bum Genius (3.0) brand. They’re great. If I were rating them I would give them 4 1/2 stars. Why not five stars? Because I think there are still things that could be improved.

Here’s what I like about them: 

– They are a one size diaper. This means that they can be worn from newborn through toddler. That saves you some major cha-ching!

– The diaper’s inner material is micro-suede. This material is revolutionary! It instantly wicks away moisture from the baby’s bottom keeping him perfectly dry. Micro-suede is also stain resistant so no matter what interesting colors Ezra may produce, his diapers come out of the wash a brilliant white. Micro-suede also resists pilling, so wash after wash the diapers look brand new.

 -Bum Genius diapers come in several way cute colors. We ordered grasshopper (green), butternut (yellow), twilight (blue), and white (uh… white). They also offer blossom which is a pale pink. 

– They are a pocket diaper so they stay nice and trim under all of his clothes. 

– They include two microfiber inserts – a newborn and regular insert. Microfiber is one of the most absorbent materials out there. 

– The leg casing is soft, but secure. No chance of leaks. There is also elastic on the back so there won’t be any of those wonderful “up the back” messes with the next newborn. It also makes for a comfortable and adjustable fit. 

Here’s what I don’t like:

– Really there is only one thing I don’t like about these diapers. The velcro fasteners. They are double sided so that you can roll it up like a disposable so it takes less space in the diaper bag. There are two problems with this. First and most importantly, it scratches Ezra’s tummy. In order to avoid this we pull the fabric out above the fasteners as much as possible. Also, the velcro catches on the diaper when it is rolled up and causes the front of the diaper to pill. We avoid this by not rolling up soiled diapers. 

I purchased some fabric so that I can attempt to make my own cloth diapers (if I ever get time!!). We’ll see how this goes 🙂

Yay for straight teeth!

I had braces back in junior high. I didn’t have them on very long – only about a year and a half. Not too long after they were removed my left incisor (the tooth next to my front tooth) started turning back. My orthodontist at the time added an attachment to my retainer to try to straighten it back out. It didn’t work. Looking back I wish I would have spoken up and insisted that he correct it even if it meant putting braces back on. (Of course I was 13 and would never had said anything to my orthodontist. Not to mention the fact that I would have died at the though of having braces put back on!) Anyway, over the years the tooth has become worse. I don’t mind it too bad until I see it in a picture. I went in for a consultation at a local orthodontist to see about having braces put back on. Instead of braces however, he felt he could achieve excellent results just from a retainer. Sweet! And the best part? It was only $400! Braces would have cost me $3500! I received my new retainer two weeks ago. I forgot how sore your teeth get when they are moving! I could hardly eat the first few days! I can already tell a big difference so I don’t think it will take too long. My orthodontist said treatment would take about a year. I’ll post before and after pictures when I’m all done.

Meet Pugly

Meet Pugly. We had the opportunity to puppy sit him last week while his grandpa had cataract surgery. His real name is Otis (original, right?), but Brad and I felt the name Pugly was a better fit because pugs are um… ugly cute in their own special way. Other than his halitosis and his near constant snoring, he was a friendly little guy and fun to have around.