And we’re back!

Sorry I’ve been AWOL. My computer has out of commission for almost two weeks. iTunes had a new updated ready for download and unbeknownst to us it was corrupted. My computer ran hot for about three weeks (I at the time had no idea why) and then it just kicked the bucket. Thanks to procrastination, I never got around to setting up my automatic backups so I ended up losing everything. We had to replace the hard drive and several thousand dollars worth of software. Apparently lots of macbook owners have had this issue, but Apple refuses to accept any responsibility. The saddest part is losing most of our pictures of Ezra. Whatever I’ve uploaded I still have, but not the full size version. Sad! 🙁


Ah, the art of distraction. It’s one of the all time greatest parenting techniques. I use it often through out the day. It keeps your things clean and drool free, helps with tantrums, and even keeps the squirmy wiggles at bay during diaper changes. In short, it helps keep a parent’s sanity. The secret is switching out the distracting item on a regular basis with something new and exciting. Preferably something never seen before. And if it makes noise that’s an added bonus. The newest item of distraction I’ve been using is one of Brad’s protein bars. It’s new, it’s shiny and colorful, and it makes noise. Perfect! So, I put him in his chair and gave him a few items to play with (protein bar included) and now had my hands free to make dinner. After a couple of minutes I noticed the unusual silence so I walked around to see what he was up to and the above picture is what I saw (minus the protein bar which in my laughter I still managed to snatch quickly away). He (amazingly enough) had made quick work of the shiny, noisy wrapper and tossed it aside in favor of the chocolatey goodness inside. That’s my boy!

Notice the little smear of chocolate on his forehead? He had chocolate on his hands and all down his front as well. 🙂


As I went to let Kenzie outside this morning, I noticed that our backyard was full of butterflies! I grabbed my camera and ran out to try to catch some pictures. I figured they would scatter when I approached, but they stayed so either I’m at one with nature or the pollen they were nibbling on was really tasty. This gutsy little guy kept fluttering around my toes. 

Weekend Company

We had a little visitor pop in to say hello this afternoon. We aren’t sure how he was able to get in. He crawled out from under the head rest on Brad’s usual chair and meandered from one side to the other. (Thank goodness Brad wasn’t sitting there or he would have had a heart attack!) He woke me up from my nap to take the little guy outside. (He‘s scared of lizards didn’t want to hurt him… um, yeah that’s it… he didn’t want to hurt him…) When we were first remodeling our house we were pretty much wide open to the world and had all sorts of critters come in. This is like lizard number 11. He was a tiny little guy, which made him rather difficult to catch. He turned from bright green to almost black as he tried to blend in with my espresso colored bookshelf during his escape attempt. I finally caught him and released him in the azaleas out front. On my way back in this crazy fly/cricket hybrid flew in with me. The south is too freaky for its own good!