It’s About Time


Okay. It’s time. It’s been time for some time now. (How many times can I say time? Time time time!) Anywho, I need to get back in shape. Man, do I hate saying that. I wish I could take out the first part of that sentence. I’d like to say “I’m in shape” instead. Followed by “Check out my sweet washboard abs!” or “Would you like a ticket to the gun show?” But alas, I’m nowhere near that point… yet. I certainly plan to get there and I need your help to do it! I’m going to blog my progress. I haven’t decided what I’m going to blog yet, but I think regular updates will provide a little motivation for me. Maybe I’ll even have the guts to post before and after shots. We’ll see. So get out your pom poms because I’m going to need cheerleaders! I’ll think about my plan and get back to you, so check back soon.

Les Mis


I had the wonderful fortune of attending the Hilton Head Arts Center’s production of Les Miserables. Many thanks to Lisa for the invite! (This was her 11th time to see Les Mis and I can totally understand why!) They flew in most of the leads from New York for this production and it was absolutely amazing. I’ve had several of the songs in my head ever since! As awesome as the cast was, I still have to say that Susan Boyle’s rendition of I Dreamed a Dream is one of the best I’ve ever heard.  🙂

Japanese Plum


This is a japanese plum tree (or so I’ve been told) and these little orange things are the plums. I’m surprised these are still here. The rascally little squirels always get to them first! When we lived on Hilton Head there was a HUGE plum tree on our walk to the beach. I would never have guessed the fruit was edible, but one day on our walk there was a woman picking them off the tree. When we asked her what it was she told us it was a japanese plum and that the fruit made excellent jam. I was excited to discover we had one here, but I don’t think I would ever be gutsy enough to to try and make jam out of it. What if it really is poisonous? I should take a wilderness survival class.  Not that you make jam in those classes, but I think if I was ever stranded on a desert island I’d be screwed.

Nice and Peaceful

img_47951Ezra’s a lot like me in a lot of ways. I can’t stand long car rides. He hates them, too. And he lets us know a few decibels louder than necessary. We headed to Atlanta last weekend. Almost 5 hours in the car. Oh joy. (His first full sentence will probably be “Are we there yet?”) He really only gets upset when he wants to take a nap and can’t get comfortable (again like me). When he does finally fall asleep it’s nice and peaceful for all of us.