
Brad and I redesigned our blog a couple of months ago. Usually when we do a new site we run a cross browser check, but I guess we didn’t bother with this one. Turns out the site wasn’t working in Internet Explorer. Oops. Sorry about that guys. It should be fixed now.

So here are the pics I promised of Ezra. I ordered a dress last week that was too short (which I’ll tell you about later). It had extra fabric though so I was going to take a pic of it to send to my mom to see if she thought we could alter the dress. We’ve been so busy with life lately that the camera hasn’t been touched in a while. (Sad. I don’t want to miss capturing each of Ezra’s stages. They grow too fast!) Anyway, when I got the camera out Ezra immediately began to ham it up for the camera. Some serious cheezin’ here. Check out the cute one hand on the couch one hand on the knee pose. So funny.




Modern Home Remodel – Open box 2

The Open Box 2 House by Feldman Architects is probably one of my favorite modern dwellings right now. It’s gorgeous! It’s the neighboring house to Open Box. It wasn’t an eye sore before the renovation like Open Box was. It was just an average house. I wish I lived in this neighborhood. More specifically, I wish I lived in this house.

(Click on the link below to view more pics.)



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Modern Home Remodel – Open Box

I love finding remodels where an ordinary house is turned into an extraordinary modern home. I’ve come across several incredible renovation projects in our search for inspiration. It makes me so excited for our own modern house remodel! This is the Open Box House by Feldman Architects. As bad as it was, I think the house actually had pretty good bones to start with – clean lines and a flat roof – but check out the after… wow. More pics after the jump.



Continue reading “Modern Home Remodel – Open Box”

Kudos to Ukraine

I know that I have several liberal friends so I apologize in advance if any of you have seen and/or liked this movie.

Check out this article. I just want to shout “Hooray for Ukraine!!!” They stood up for what they believe in and are holding themselves to a higher moral standard. I wish the rest of the world would follow their example. I can’t believe this horribly filthy movie has reached the top of the box office in so many countries. It’s a sad reflection of the current state morality. It’s such a shame. I really like the ministry’s statement in the third paragraph: Bruno is an “artistically unjustified exhibition of … behavior which could damage the moral upbringing of our citizens.” I couldn’t agree more! It’s so important to be careful what we put in our minds. “The thought is father to the deed and exposure can lead to acting out what is nurtured in the mind.” Call me a prude. I don’t care. Because it’s true: You are what you think.

Be choosey about the movies and tv shows you watch and the music you listen to. If you wouldn’t show a child something, why is it worth it to watch it yourself? I’m not saying watch Sesame Street all day, but I am wondering why people think it’s okay to view trash because they are a “grown up”. Don’t try to justify it by saying “Who am I hurting?” (YOURSELF!!) or by saying “It’s a good movie except for…” That’s why I like this:


Also, if you want more clean entertainment to be available, then support PG movies when they come out. Two recent ones that are worth checking out are Confessions of a Shopaholic and New in Town. I liked them both. Especially Shopaholic. I laughed out loud a few times 🙂 Go rent/buy it!

Lord of the Flies?


Okay. I know this is gross, but it is just too weird not to post about. You know how in the summer the occasional fly comes in the house when the door gets opened? It happens every once in a while when we let Kenzie in from outside, but we can usually shoo them back outside. When we got up this morning we had several flies in the kitchen. One is rare. Two is unusual. Five is just crazy! My house is clean and there are no points of entry for them to get in on their own. I don’t know how they got in! I don’t happen to own a fly swatter so I didn’t have a game plan for getting rid of these guys. I just hoped that they would leave with Kenzie or die of old age in a day or two so I left them alone. Then they started intruding. First with breakfast, then just started buzz bombing us.  So I decided to put out a trap. You know the saying “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar” ? That’s a load of crap. I put out a little bit of honey on a plate to try and trap them. Didn’t work. In fact, they started multiplying. No joke! When a few of them started swarming Ezra while he was trying to ride his car (he was swatting at them like crazy) I’d had enough. They were going down! I grabbed the Windex and went on the attack. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. They were dropping like flies! Six. Seven. Eight. I was right about them multiplying! Was there some sort of cloning device in my house somewhere?? The fly body count ended up reaching into the mid twenties! What the heck? ICK! Well, they’re all gone. I’ll let you know if this freakish fly anomaly occurs tomorrow!