MeasureMe Stick

Ooh! I really want to pick up one (or two or three) of these for Ezra’s room. Bold graphics. Bright Colors. I love pieces like this. The MeasureMe Stick by Studio 1AM transforms the traditional ruler into a playful, modern home accessory. It can be displayed as an original graphic piece or used to chart your child’s growth, which is what I would use it for. (I think it would make it that much more special. Don’t you?) Each piece is handmade in Chicago from bamboo and has a non-toxic ink and finish.


I’m not a photographer


I had the chance to photograph the beginning of Teal’s happily ever after.

We drove out to Old Sheldon Church for her bridal session. It’s so beautiful there. The church was originally built 1745-55. Burned down 1779 by the British. Rebuilt 1826 and then burned again in 1865 by the Federal Army during the Civil War. Lots-o-history.

Here are a few of my favorites:











On holiday

Sorry we’ve been MIA. I’ve been getting several comments and some not so subtle hints that we need to resume posting.  🙂  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Our Christmas was spent at home. Nice. Quiet. Uneventful. Everyone enjoyed their gifts. We used a rosemary plant this year as our little Christmas tree. Needless to say rosemary has been making it’s way into an awful lot of dishes lately. Yum! Still, I can’t wait to be settled in to our new house and break out all of our Christmas decorations that have been in storage for so long.

I still haven’t finished going through the pictures we took from our Thanksgiving trip to Utah, but I’ll try to get that done in the next day or two to share. Until then, here’s a teaser pic of my little stud. Enjoy!
