Unhappy Hipsters

Laugh out loud funny! I look forward to my daily fix. The surrealistic humor is like a modern home version of the Far Sides. Enjoy them here.

You can come out when you can properly explain the differences between
Modernist architecture and postmodern ornamentation.

(Dwell, February/March 2006)

The things that once so defined him — shag carpeting,
Room & Board sofas, monogamy — now suffocated him.

(Dwell, September 2009)


Trapped by the tawny palette, he struggled through yet another brown knit scarf.

(Dwell, September 2005)



Oooms Rocker

Okay, this just opens up all sorts of cool rocking chair possibilities! ‘Rocker’, created by Dutch design studio Oooms, is an universal attachment to turn almost any four-legged chair into a real rocking chair. I love the color variety. (That green!) Pairing this attachment with a vintage chair would give any modern home some quirky style.

Via Interior Design.

Modern Kids’ Room Renovation

With a small (but loved) apartment, a 4 year old and a new baby on the way, one couple turned to h2o Architects to help them find a space saving solution. The result? This amazing kids’ room:

The firm solved the space issues by subdividing the room in two, creating separate sleep and play areas for both children. The new structure provides plenty of storage for toys, stuffed animals, and books. Would it be cheesy to say it’s “funtastic”? Because it totally is. I wish this had been my room growing up. Heck I wish this was my room now!

Check out the entire article in Dwell.