He’s Two!!

Our little man’s two! Hard to believe, isn’t it? We celebrated his birthday last week.

Ezra's two!

Ezra had so much fun opening presents this year. He got really into it! (Makes me a little nervous about keeping presents under the tree next Christmas  😉 ) Thank you so much to all of you who sent cards, gifts, and well wishes! We really appreciate all of your love and support! Ezra loved everything he received.

Ezra's two!

Ezra likes tractors. He points them out excitedly in books, movies, and at Lowes (the lawn mowers) with an exuberant “Tractor!!” So I decided to attempt a tractor cake for his birthday. Attempt being the key word. It looked a little like a low rider or maybe a pimped out John Deer with 30″ rims or something. I don’t know. At least Ezra recognized it for what it was intended to be and that’s all that matters!  🙂

Ezra's two!

Happy birthday to Ezra!

It’s here!

Our Modernica Rocker is here! Yay!! This was our grand prize for Kenzie’s photo. (Thanks again to everyone who voted!) Since we’re about to move everything’s going to storage, but we were way too excited to not take a look. So here’s a sneak peek at our cool new modern chair!

I ended up choosing celery. It was my “safe” choice. The color I really wanted was grass green. I love bright pops of color! Sadly though, I was out voted. I believe my mom’s words were “Eww! It looks like a crayon!” Celery was Brad’s favorite and he’s right – it goes with most of our decor (specifically nursery) and I could switch it from room to room after the nursery days are behind us.

Here’s the Kenzmeister chillaxing by her new modern chair! She tried to get in it before she realized the top wasn’t attached to the base.  🙂

Photo finals: Vote for Kenzie!

Hi Everyone! Today is final vote for the Modernica Pets on Furniture photo contest! As you know, Kenzie made it through to the finals last Thursday. (Thank you to all who voted for her!) Please take a moment today to vote for our great dane baby by clicking here. (Poll now closed.) Voting ends tonight at 10pm PST. Please spread the word!


She won!! Woot woot! (or should I say “woof woof”?) YAY! We are so excited! We want to thank everyone for the strong showing of support! And we want to thank Modernica for holding such a fun and exciting competition! I’m actually sad it’s over. I loved getting my daily dose of cute seeing all the adorable pets that entered!