Modern Home Remodel

I came across a fantastic modern home remodel on Plastolux yesterday. The owner renovated a standard house and with a lot of hard work and some mad DIY skills turned it into a sweet modern abode. Based on his description it sounds like the house was almost as crappy as the one we had planned to remodel. They still have a lot left to do, but check out the before and after photos:

modern home remodel

modern home remodel

modern home remodel

modern home remodel

Don’t the owners have great taste? I’ve loved all of their finish choices for the house. Keep up the great work! You’re doing a fantastic job!

View more here or here.

Our Modern Home: New Location (Part 2)

our modern home

When we began looking at new locations to build our modern home, we actually had one in mind right away. The lot is on the same street as the home we had planned to remodel into a modern house, but it’s a couple of lots closer to the beach. It’s also on the other side of the street so it backs up to a nature preserve. The lot has dropped considerably in price because the owner is desperate to sell. It’s now in short sale status. We put an offer in several weeks ago, but due to a dispute between the bank and the seller, the bank would like us to wait until May when it is in full foreclosure and sell it to us directly. Not too big of a deal because the bank was willing to accept a fantastic price for the property. We’re just in a hurry to get started building, so the prospect of waiting a few months wasn’t appealing.

modern home lot option

The listing agent for that property was Mike Broadhurst. When we found out we would need to wait to buy the lot, he offered to show us a few other locations that might suit our needs.

One of these properties we discussed wasn’t even listed yet. It was a foreclosure that was scheduled to be listed within the next couple of months. When Mike emailed us plot maps and beach access details, it seemed to good to be true. So we hopped in the car and headed down to check it out for ourselves.

Oh. My. GOSH!

modern home lot

modern home lot

modern house lot

It’s perfect for us! It’s bigger than the other lot, much closer to the beach (about 300 yds), and we love the neighborhood! The street is very private and quiet with no through traffic. It’s a corner lot that backs up to a park and has a 12 acre nature preserve to the left of us. Oh and it has private beach access! (Woo hoo!) It’s also by a large park with several tennis courts, ball fields, walking trails, and… A DOG PARK!! Kenzie’s gunna love it!!

We told Mike we wanted to put in an offer so he called the listing agent and the property went on the market the next day. (It wasn’t listed yet, remember?) After a little back and forth, we reached an accepted offer. YES!!! All of the contracts have been signed and sent to underwriting. We’re scheduled to close on April 16th, but we’re asking our attorneys and lender to see if they can expedite our closing.