
We had some special visitors come see us last week:

Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Amy! The visit was way too short (they always are!), but we had so much fun! It was such a special treat to see them. Ezra loved every minute of it and had a hard time when they left. Hopefully it won’t be too long before they come see us again! (Hint hint)

We love you guys!!

Ikea Hack – Modern Outdoor Rocker

Looking for some modern outdoor furniture on the cheap? Check this out!

After his Emmabo Rocking Chair bit the dust, Alex (a.k.a. Ikea hacker extraordinaire) salvaged the frames and gave them new life as modern outdoor deck chairs. This is without a doubt one of the best Ikea hacks I’ve ever seen. I’m definitely keeping this bookmarked for a future modern home project. For DIY directions, head on over here.

Boy Genius


You’d be surprised at how many pictures I have of Ezra with something on his mouth. Apparently I never wipe off his face. I’ve even had to resort on several occasions to the classic mom spit clean technique. But that’s not what this post is about. Just thought I’d comment on the yogurt on his face.

Okay. All mothers are allowed the right to brag on their babies. Here’s my amazing Ezra story:

So when we visit my folks we all share a room (wait… not everyone obviously!  🙂  Brad, myself, Ezra and Kenzie).  We put up a little divider between us so that Ezra will sleep a little longer (or at least not bug us to get out of bed right away). Anyway, one morning Ezra wakes up and and like usual starts talking to himself. Then he starts counting.

“One… two…”

I figured he was repeating yesterday when we counted one and two for each step up and down the stairs, but then he kept going.


Wait a sec. My child can count to three?

“Four… five…”

I figured I had fallen back asleep and was dreaming until Brad shot up with his eyes bugging out. Our barely two year old just counted to five! We figured it was a fluke, but he’s done it twice since then. Pretty impressive, right?

Today at lunch he counted to 15.

No joke! Clear as a bell.

He tried counting all the way to 20, but he just mumbled from 16 on and ended with an “E” sound.

I’m always impressed by him.

But then again, I’m his mother.

Our Easter



Hi, Everyone! Sorry I’ve been terrible about posting. I feel like my only free time to post is the middle of the night!  🙂

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday. This year Ezra experienced his first Easter egg hunt. He was pretty excited about all of the running around during the hunt at the church, but he wasn’t at all interested in collecting eggs. We tried hiding Easter eggs again at my parents house. There are like five eggs hidden in these daffodils and all he wants to do is smell the flowers.

I love that kid.

Guess we’ll have to work on getting him more excited for it next year.


My new flokati

My mom and sister always keep their eyes peeled for deals on modern furniture and modern home accessories for me. A couple of weeks ago my mom called me from TJ Max to ask me if I’d be interested in a 4′ x 6′ flokati rug for only $60 bucks.

Heck yeah I would!

We took off last week for a quick trip to Tennessee to visit my family over the Easter holiday. While there, I got the chance to sneak a peek at my new flokati rug and snap a few pics before tucking it away into storage (just like everything else we own. It’s kinda sad. It’s been almost 5 years since I’ve seen my blender or mixing stand or silverware. And I’m sure most of my clothes will be out of style by the time I dig them out. But that’s another story for another day.)

Here it is:

flokati rug - modern home accessories

flokati rug - modern home accessories

I love how curly it is! And I was pleasantly surprised that the backing is a soft weave which means I can use it as a rug or throw it over a chair or bed. I can’t wait to use it!