The Chesterfield Penthouse

So I’m still not feeling like I’m back in the swing of things yet. (Confession: I took a 4 hour nap today. Oops. One of the perks of working from home I guess!) So I have a few things I wanted to blog about from our trip. I’m going to break them up in to smaller posts over the next few days so it doesn’t make one giant monster blog post.

First up: our accommodations. When in Miami we like to stay in the Art Deco District. We usually switch up boutique hotels and try different ones out. This time we stayed at the Chesterfield Hotel. Since it was our anniversary, we splurged and stayed in the penthouse suite. The room was really dark and without a tripod my pictures came out kinda blurry. The pictures below are from the South Beach Group’s album. Things have changed since these pics were taken, so even though my photos are crap, I’ll share a few of them.

Modern Miami Penthouse

Modern Miami Penthouse

Modern Miami Penthouse

Modern Miami Penthouse

I thought this was a creative idea. They used different vintage ceiling tiles on the ceiling. I’m sure they were cleaned up a little bit, but otherwise they were left in their original shape which made for some interesting eye candy.

Modern Miami Penthouse

Modern Miami Penthouse

And here’s the blurry shot I took:

modern penthouse

As you can tell things have changed up a bit. The couches were re-upholstered in a silver leather. Two new couches were added along with a few new lamps, a new tv, and lots of cushions. You may recognize the ones on the couch from Ikea. You may also spot a lot of West Elm in the decor. I love the ceiling lights. I’ve seen them (or similar ones) around before, but I couldn’t find them again to link to. If anyone recognizes them, let me know. They are absolutely gorgeous in person.

R & R

South Beach

Last week was our 10th anniversary. I still can’t believe it. At 27 and 32 neither one of use feels nearly old enough to be celebrating such a mark! (We got married young  :)) To celebrate, we headed down to South Beach to soak up some sun and get a little R&R. Boy was it nice. The turquoise water was calm and crystal clear – perfection. I wish we were still there! Vacations are never long enough are they?

DIY Mouse Pad

modern mouse pad

modern mouse pad

I know I post a lot of DIY links, but I can’t help it. I love me a good craft project!!

Chris Gardner from guest blogged over at Design Sponge about how to create your own custom hand printed mouse pad. The instructions look surprisingly easy! And if you’re not feeling overly creative with your own design you can download a few templates here. I like the squid best.

My New Car

muscle car

Just kidding! I wish this was my car! I have a thing for muscle cars. I’ve seen (and ogled) this beauty around town a few times. It just so happened to be at the marina the other day when I was doing a photo shoot there for a family so we got to spend some “alone time” together.  Brad’s been talking for years about restoring an old muscle car so hopefully one day I’ll have one to call my own.  🙂