World’s Most Popular Pillow

And the award goes to…

Ikea’s Stockholm Cushion!!

modern pillow

Okay so maybe it doesn’t hold any official title, but I think it should. I’ve seen it in like a gazillion interior shots. Here are a few:

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

Second place goes to another cushion from Ikea:

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

modern pillow ikea

You’ve got to admit, they look good no matter what room they’re in!

1. Emma’s Design Blog 2. Remodelista 3. Pickles 4. Bright Bazaar 5. Emma’s Design Blog 6. Bloesom 7. Freshlyblended 8. Ifralahell 9. AT 10. Flickr 11. Fresh Home

Meet Duke

So Saturday was my birthday. It was awesome! (Imagine me saying that in a high pitched squeally voice while jumping up and down and clapping my hands. That’s how awesome it was.)

Brad totally surprised me, which is hard for him to do. (Boy can’t keep a secret to save his life.) My favorite present? A ukulele!! I am so excited! I’ve been practicing my chords all weekend. My fingers are raw, but I don’t care – I’m having so much fun! Anyway, I named him Duke. Duke the Uke.