
I went to go toast a bagel for breakfast this morning and had to laugh. Thought I’d share what the bagels in our house usually look like:

Bites here and there and almost never in the same place – that’s how Ezra eats his bagels as well as just about everything else!  🙂

Have a great weekend!

Lolita Pendant Lamps

lolita pendant lamp

If I was having a girl (but I wanted a boy so I’m stoked this little guy is joining us!), I’d get these super girly lolita pendant lamps.

Except that I wouldn’t get them.

Because they’re $800.

And that’s insane.

But they’re still cute.

So I’d be tempted.

But not really.

Because like I said they’re $800.

And that’s still insane.

But guess what.

I’m having a boy.

So problem solved.


The end.

Simple Modern Kitchen

simple modern kitchen

I’ve been in the kitchen all morning putting the finishing touches on Brad’s birthday cake. I’m ready to dig in and celebrate! Wish I could have spent my baking and frosting time in a kitchen that looked like this, though. Wow. Beautiful, right? I love the simplicity and the wood grain is gorgeous. (That little boy is super cute, too! 🙂 ) The lucky owner of this kitchen blogs here. There are lots of beautiful images to stare at so check it out!


Modern Nursery by Shawn Henderson

modern room

Every time I come across a cool nursery I always think “This is my favorite!” And then I see another one and I think “No, this one! This one is my favorite!” Well folks, today this nursery is my favorite. In fact, this nursery might hold that title for some time. A little rustic, a little old school, some fluffy sheep – I love it! That Mack is one lucky kid!

Dear Shawn Henderson,

Should you ever google yourself and stumble across my blog, please let me know where I can pick myself up one of those adorable sheep! Thanks!

Oh and…

Dear Home Owner,

If you ever want to get rid of your sheep, please know that they will have a happy life in our home. Thanks!

~ Beth