The Pumpkin Patch

So yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch out at Lowcountry Produce. As the name implies, LP is a little country store that makes all their delicious goodies right there on their farm. (I received some of their fig preserves as a gift once. Delish!)

Usually we hit up the cute little one downtown (that’s where the pictures from the last post are from), but this year we heard that LP offers pony and hay rides as well as a petting zoo all for free. SCORE! The rides are apparently only on the weekends, so we missed out on that, but we still got to pet the pony.

He was cute.

I like ponies.

Side note: PIGS = MAJOR STiNK and I mean MAJOR! And they’re mean. They were picking fights with the goats. Bullies to the billies. We were warned not to try and feed them cause they bite. They bite because they’re mean. And I bet they’re mean because they stink. I’d be grumpy if I smelled like that too.

Otherwise all the animals were cute. Especially the pony. Did I mention how much I like ponies? Why don’t I have a picture of the pony??

We ended up settling on a small white pumpkin. (Trendy, right?) We only bought one there. They were $16 each whereas Walmart was $2 each. What can I say? We’re cheap! We’re planning to carve our pumpkin bounty tonight so I need to get my creative juices flowing.

Costume Inspiration

Saturday night we had a gorgeous full moon peeking through the spanish moss in the trees. It was very creepy cool – perfect for getting in the Halloween mood. I tried to take a picture to share, but couldn’t find my tripod. So I tried taking video with my camera. That didn’t work either. On the plus side though, when I downloaded the videos from my camera (which apparently we haven’t done in well over a year) I found a cute video of Ezra dancing. Maybe he should be Napoleon Dynamite this year. We’ll see…

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All Grown Up

modern furniture

So I have some exciting news. Well, it’s only exciting to me, because I’m a nerd, but anyway… after buying stuff off Craigslist for years I finally sold something! Easy peasy! Makes me feel all grown up! *sniffle* (Like getting married and having a baby didn’t do that already or something. Like I said: NERD) Anywho… when we moved to the coast 5 years ago we wanted to start over with furniture so we sold our house out west furnished. We bought a few cheap pieces from Ikea initially (like these pello chairs) to have somewhere to sit during the renovation, but since then we’ve been slowly buying up quality furniture and getting rid of those cheaper pieces.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m no snob. Me and IKEA are like this:

fingers crossed

We’re tight. But it sure is nice to have those chairs gone! Now I just need to sell my lilberg rocker in prep for the nursery re-do. Any takers?

Bottom image via.