Part of this complete breakfast!

That’s right! We’re breakfast! We’ve had this idea for a while now for me to be an egg, but up until the last couple of weeks we weren’t sure my pregnant belly was going to be big enough to poke through to make it obvious what I was supposed to be. The costumes were a breeze to make and entirely no-sew. I purchased a roll of foam in the craft department at Walmart and cut the egg and toast freehand. The hole for the “yolk” (aka. the bump) was traced with a 9″ cake round. Brad used spray paint (very easy) to color Ezra’s toast. I purchased 1/2 yard of fabric in each color for Brad’s bacon costume. I then cut them freehand and glued them together with fabric glue. Easy peasy! The costumes were a big hit!

We like family themes for costumes. We’re going to keep trying to do it as long as our kids have no choice in the matter let us. For Ezra’s first Halloween I sewed us matching Oktoberfest costumes. But since we don’t drink we called them German… or Dutch… we weren’t sure what nationality we were, but we were cute!

Last year we decided to dress up at the very (and I mean VERY) last minute. So we glued styrofoam cups to cardboard boxes, spray painted each a different color, and went as legos! The paint had hardly dried by the time we left for the party so we were totally high of the fumes. But we had fun!

Those Pumpkins

Halloween 2010 Pumpkins - The Modern Home

Notice how there are three pumpkins and only one of them is carved? There’s a reason. Oh boy is there ever a reason! We may never carve another pumpkin so long as we live! My mom sent Ezra a book of Cars pumpkin carving templates. We started out trying to carve Mater, but he was insanely complicated and after sweating, crying and cursing the Cars franchise we moved on to Lightning McQueen. (Please tell me that you can tell it’s Lightning McQueen or I’ll start crying all over again!)  After he was completed, I refused to so much as touch another pumpkin. I’m on strike.

Here are our pumpkins from two years ago. For some reason we didn’t carve pumpkins last year. I think we had hoped we’d be moving. (Obviously that ain’t happened yet!)

Carving Delays

No pumpkins to show today. We didn’t end up having time to carve our pumpkins last night. We hope to do it after my prenatal appointment (which I totally forgot about) this afternoon. Pretty tricky of my midwife to schedule the appointment right before the weekend festivities. After I weigh in I’m sure to avoid all sugary treats!

Lovely image via Martha Stewart.