Acorn Wreaths

DIY modern wreath

DIY modern wreath

DIY modern wreath

Remember this awesome DIY wreath that Dana over at Made created like two years ago? I say remember like I blogged about it. Which I didn’t. My little bloggie is just over a year old. Maybe you saw it somewhere else. But back to the wreath. They’re all the same wreath just spray painted different colors depending on the season. Or the mood. The green is my favorite. (of course) Isn’t it awesome? The fact that it cost her a whopping $3.50 to make makes it even more awesome. I’m totally inspired. I have no idea where in the heck you get acorns like this so I’m going with beans. Beans are cheap. I like cheap.

The Christmas Tree Farm

We headed out to the Okatie Christmas Tree Farm on Saturday to pick out our christmas tree. Does anyone else think about the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation when they think about cutting down a live tree? Yeah. It was nothing like that. Still fun though. Here are a few shots from our day:

christmas tree farm

Ezra wanted to be in charge of the measuring pole, but he kept getting stuck between trees.

christmas tree farm

This was his idea of helping to cut down the tree.

Piggy back style.

He calls it hee haw. (As opposed to yee haw.)

christmas tree farm

The tree was almost 6 feet we were only charged for 4. Score one for the Youngs!

christmas tree farm

So I was content to just play photographer for the day. I’m 9 months pregnant, ready to pop and bummin around in my old yoga pants. Not feeling cute. But Brad insisted. Something about posterity blah blah blah. So here ya go.

christmas tree farm

The end.

To tree or not to tree

Christmas Tree Farm

When we moved from out west we sold our house furnished. We ended up leaving a few other things to that we didn’t have room for in the truck. One of which was the Christmas tree. We’ve been treeless for the past four Christmases. I prefer artificial trees over live trees simply because it seems wasteful to grow a tree for so long just to cut it down and throw it out after just a couple of weeks. I’ve been eyeing a pretty white tree for the past three years, but we keep putting it off thinking we’d rather wait until we move so we don’t have to store it.

This year Ezra is really excited about Christmas. He keeps talking about the “trees with stars” (aka tree lights). Since we’re still not ready to buy our ‘fake’ tree, we’re planning to head out to the Okatie Tree Farm this weekend to get a real one. This should be fun!

Image via Okatie Tree Farm. It almost never snows out here so I wonder if they got this shot during last year’s very brief snow day.

Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Recipe

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our holiday feast went off with only a few minor hitches. Here was our menu:

Turkey & Gravy 
Garlic & Rosemary Mashed Potatoes
My Mom’s Stuffing Recipe (Brad loves this and can’t get enough)
Green Bean Casserole
Potato Rolls (Not homemade but still good)
Pumpkin Pie 
Turtle Cheesecake

Not a ton of variety as you can see, but there were only three of us and one of the three happened to be a picky two year old who refused to eat anything other than picking at a roll.

So the ‘hitches’ we encountered were that the turkey took an hour longer to cook than what it was supposed to which was torture because the seasoning I used smelled mouthwatering. The other problem was that I decided to use a gravy seasoning packet instead of homemade. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Way too salty and just plain old gross. I’ve also decided that I hate (and I mean HATE) carving a whole bird. I’ve done it at least a half dozen times before and it sucks every time. So from now on I’m only buying a turkey breast. This pancetta-wrapped recipe pictured above looks yummy. I think I’ll give it a go next year.

The desserts were also delicious, too. The pumpkin pie (my first ever!) was surprisingly easy to make and turned out awesome. And the cheesecake? Well lets just say we ended up making three by the weekend.