Backed Up

Hmm… the title of this post just doesn’t sound right does it? But that’s what I am. (Though not in that way!!!) I’m a little (okay a lot) behind on blogging. I have lots of things to share, but I’m having trouble finding the time to squeeze everything in. With less than two weeks before this baby comes, I suddenly have several new design projects on my plate. Not that I’m complaining. We love what we do and every project is a blessing. We’ve been self employed for nearly 5 years now and we still pump our fists in the air and shout “WOOT WOOT!” every time. So we’re working around the clock to get everything done in time and that means that my blogging for the fun of it keeps getting bumped.

In other news, our Christmas tree has stayed semi-decorated for almost a week now. I think the shiny has worn off for Ezra. Sad. But on the plus side maybe I’ll be able to snap a pic to share.

the modern home blog

I won!!

When I was like 8 years old I entered my name in a little giveaway at my local CB Foods Store (totally small town – shout out to White Bluff!) to win a basketball. I won. Huge deal to a little kid. The contest was sponsored by a snack cake company (what’s the one with the referee?) so they had their giant logo on the side of the ball. Took a little of the coolness factor away. But still. I won. And it was awesome. Fast forward nearly 20 years and nothing. All my luck was used up on that stupid basketball. Until today. That’s right. I just found out that I won Sweet Paul’s giveaway of Tate’s Bake Shop Cookbook! YAY!! This is totally a BIG DEAL. I’m high-fiving my inner 8 year old right now. And when the book gets here I’m going to bake her some delicious cookies. She deserves them.