Pure Komachi Knives

My sister called me up the other day to tell me that she’d found the perfect knives for me. I think she’s right! How great are these colorful knives??Modern Knife Set

Modern Knife SetModern Knife SetModern Knife Set

Brad’s not so sure about them, but I think it would be nice to have a sunny little rainbow greet you every time you open the knife drawer. They have fantastic reviews online and since she called me last week they’ve come down in price another $20 bucks! I’m really tempted. We’ve been using the same set of steak knives we picked up from the Monticello Merc since we got married over ten years ago. It’s high time we upgraded to some grown up knives. (That is if you consider brightly colored knives ‘grown up’.)

DIY Headboard

I just love a good DIY project (I also love a yellow & gray color scheme, weathered wood, and sliding barn doors for that matter). Let me tell you, Dana and her ‘handy hubby’ over at House*Tweaking are rocking the DIY. Check out the custom headboard and sliding barn door they created from old fence posts. They’re even kind enough to include how-tos for those of you inspired to try these projects yourself.

Images via House*Tweaking

Ezra is 3!

We celebrated Ezra’s birthday this past week. I can’t believe my baby is three years old now! Can you? I could swear I was nursing him and rocking him to sleep just a couple of months ago. Has it really been three whole years? It’s unbelievable to me how fast the time goes. (Actually he still occasionally asks me to snuggle with him on the rocking chair. Isn’t that nice? I savor those moments.)

Here he is telling daddy how old he is:

He’s into trains this year so that was the theme. You’d think I’d be getting better at making birthday cakes.

I’m not.

I really should learn how to do fondant, but really who honestly likes fondant? Everyone I know just peels it off and eats the cake. Plus, Brad’s a frosting guy. No matter how thick I put the frosting on the boy gets out an extra tub of it to eat with his piece. (Yeah… gross. How does he not slip into a sugar coma? Or weigh a thousand pounds for that matter? He even eats my frosting!)

I had a better pic of the boys, but Memphis looked like he was about to take a bite out of Brad all Cullen style so I went with this one. Brad was much better with the camera that day. I was totally off my game.

Is this not the cutest picture ever? I love how he blows out his candles!

And here he is playing with his new train set. He loves it!

Happy birthday, Ezra! We love you!!!