Well, it’s been a kinda quiet around here the past little while. We’ve had a lot on our plates (which is always the case), but now our “TO DO” list has tripled. Why? Because…


Maybe I shouldn’t be saying this out loud for fear of jinxing it. We’ve had the house on the market for a little over a year. (We took it off for several months over the winter in anticipation of Memphis’ arrival. Seriously who wants to waddle around cleaning at 9 months or scoop up a newborn and dash out of the house for a last minute showing? Not me!)

We’re just glad this is sticking *knock on wood* because the last offer fell through after 30 days due to financing and the few other offers that were supposedly coming in never solidified because the buyers decided at the last minute that now isn’t a good time to buy. So we’ve watched in horror the past year as house prices have continued to plummet in this tiny little town. We ended up coming down over $41k. Yeah… sucks big time.

I’ll share before and after pictures of the renovations soon. You wouldn’t believe the crap hole this house was before!

My New Boppy Cover

Hope you had a lovely Easter (a week ago)! We headed up to Tennessee that weekend to visit with family and friends. Actually, the main reason for going was to throw a baby shower for my sister. She’s expecting a boy in August. (Yay!)

One of my planned gifts to Erin/Braden was to make a custom bedding set. Now, I’m not exactly the queen of sewing and I didn’t want to screw up my sister’s boppy cover so I started out on my own. I’m not thrilled with this fabric, but it was the best I could find at JoAnns that was both modern and coordinated with the color palate in the boys’ room. I like the chocolate minky on the back, though. It’s soooo nice and soft… mmmm.

Check this out:

Oh yeah! That’s me rockin’ my very first zipper install all by myself!

Now I don’t exactly have a tutorial to share or anything. All I did was pin my original cover to the fabric and cut around it. Once mine was sewn and adjustments were made, we did the same thing with my sister’s fabric.

Most of these pics are of Erin working on her cover. I swear I wasn’t like “Hey, here’s your gift. Make it yourself.” I kept getting called away on baby duty. 🙂

Fits like a glove! BTW, does this not totally look like an awesome afro? I kept putting it on my head and doing my most fabulous diva poses.

Check the zipper:

Nailed it!