Paring Progress

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how ridiculous and excessive I felt having so many clothes when I only wear about 10% of my wardrobe. Well, folks, I’ve outdone myself… in the bathroom. You wouldn’t believe how many personal care and cosmetic items I own! I packed three 18 gallon bins!! What?? Seriously, no one should have that good of hygiene!

I immediately went to work (okay maybe Brad forced me) to pare down my massive collection. In doing so I’ve discovered that I’m apparently obsessive about hair removal. I had two hair removal lotion kits, a waxing kit, a bottle of Nair, two packs of blade cartridge refills for Schick and Gelette in addition to my actual razors, and three separate packs of disposable razors for traveling. And lets not forget the four tweezers. I’m not sure if I expect to be felt up (by Brad preferably) or have to jump into a bikini at a moments notice, but I suppose I’ll be ready and hairless should the occasion present itself.

I also found that I own more lipgloss and lipstick than any one girl should have. I counted 36 (!), but I keep one or two in each of my purses so who knows what the actual number is. Several lipsticks are the same color as though I was worried about being caught somewhere without that ‘certain’ shade and a few of them have ever even been opened! LAME. So I’ve chucked any hue that I didn’t absolutely love and donated the unopened tubes. Then I took my almost-gone-but-not-quite items and melted them down into one brand new color. (I’ve done this before and it’s fun to play around with the colors. Try it some time!)

All in all, I managed to toss out a full garbage bag of cosmetic stuff. So… now I have two bins rather than three.

Hey, it’s progress, people! Progress!


We took Memphis in for his check up a few weeks ago. He’s your average happy healthy 6 month old… at 4 months!  🙂

Here are the stats:

Height: 26 1/4″
Weight: 16.5 lbs
Head: 17″

Ya’ll know how slow I am at posting, so these stats aren’t current given the rate at which this little guy is growing. He outgrew his 0-3 clothes at 5 weeks and his 3-6 clothes at 4 months. He turned 5 months this week and is fitting snugly in the 6-9 month clothes. I love this onesie; it’s so fitting for his little personality!