We moved!

We moved down to the island a couple of weeks ago and I’m finally coming up for air. I can totally see why moving ranks 3rd on the list of most stressful life events! I’m betting the people they polled moved by themselves with no help from family or friends all while trying to rangle two overly excited little kids and one hopped up great dane. I had to strap Memphis to my back in a baby carrier and lift heavy furniture. That’s right. I’m superwoman.

We ran out of time on the truck rental so we still have quite a bit of stuff left to get from the storage unit – my treadmill included. That thing is a beast and I cry just thinking about attempting to lift it. Luckily, my little brother is coming to visit this weekend. He thinks he’s in for a relaxing weekend at the beach. Little does he know. Mwahaha!

Go with the Grain: Faux Bois


faux bois home accessories


My latest ideabook is up over at Houzz. My theme this month is faux bois (pronounced “foe bwah”), a French term meaning “fake wood.” It’s a trend I really like and I’m happy to report it’s still “growing” (haha) strong. My favorite faux bois accessories are items like #1 which feature grain patterns that are at once both simplified and exaggerated. They remind me of topographic maps. So, if you “wood” (my cheesiness can’t be stopped!), go check it out.

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The Homies

Homies Awards

Well, what do ya know, we were nominated for a Homie award yesterday! (Which is terribly nice of you. Thanks!) I think we’re a little late to the game as voting ends tomorrow, but that’s okay. To vote you will need to register with Apartment Therapy if you haven’t already. So, if you don’t mind, head on over and vote for us!

Here’s the link:
The Homies 2012


He’s 4!

Hard to believe my baby is 4. He looks so much older to me. I’m pretty sure he shoots up at least a foot the month before each birthday. He’s so special and sweet (most of the time) I could just eat him up.

Here’s the cake. I think I’m getting better at this. Maybe…

When we were tossing around ideas for Memphis’s birthday cake, we mentioned making an airplane and Ezra insisted his cake be an airplane this year. He was so excited about it he stayed in the kitchen all day eating frosting with a spoon helping me.

Thank you to family for the sweet gifts. He LOVED them and was so excited about each one. Thank you for all of your support and love!