ezra - the modern home blog

Kids provide such wonderful comic relief. Here are a few recent gems from Ezra:


In the bathtub

Ezra: Watch my trick!

Brad: Wow! Are you a dolphin?

Ezra: No, I’m a boy!

Brad: Are you a shark?

Ezra: No, I am a boy!

Brad: Are you sure? How do you know?

Ezra: Look at my balls! I have balls! I’m a boy!


Brad: Ezra, stop freaking out. It’s time to go bye bye.

Ezra: I’m not freaking out! I’m freaking in!


Brad: Are you done going potty?

Ezra: No, my bum is still downloading.


At IHOP doing the potty dance

Brad: Ezra, do you need to go to the bathroom?

Ezra: No. My bum is closed. I shut it down.

Brad: Come on. Let’s go potty.

Ezra: I don’t need to poop, Daddy. I turned my bum off.


Apparently he’s part robot.

Have a nice weekend!



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