Sweet Valentine

We enjoyed a sweet Valentine’s Day around here. I whipped up these peanut butter blossom cookies and used chocolate heart candies in place of kisses. (Dark for me. Milk for Brad.) Cute and fun. Plus, I’ve been on a diet for like EVER so it was nice to eat something other than fish and broccoli. I’ve decided that I need to create my own peanut butter cookie recipe. These were a little too sweet. But then again my taste could be skewed right now. Dirt would probably taste too sweet after being on a diet for so long. Once I perfect my recipe I’ll be sure to share. Of course cookies and weight loss don’t really jive so that won’t be happening until these blasted last few pounds come off. Diets make me miserable. Can you tell?

Brad surprised me with this necklace. I LOVE IT! He ordered it weeks ago and it’s been hiding in the  moving boxes in our living room all this time. Sneeky, sneeky.

2 replies on “Sweet Valentine”

  1. Way to go Brad! The cookies look scrumptious. I’m glad you had a nice Valentines, and put the diet on hold. I’m all for healthy eating, but can’t ever fully eliminate the desserts. mmmmm. Love em too much. Miss you guys.

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