And so it begins

Our Modern Home Doodle

Brad and I adore modern design and architecture. Our first apartment was a total score. An old loft with vaulted ceilings and hardwood floors with sweeping views of downtown Salt Lake City. Perfect. But when it came time to buy our first home, we had no such luck. Modern homes were slim pickins. Most were considerably out of our price range. With no affordable option, we settled (most people do) for a home in suburbia, where every street looks the same and the only difference between the neighboring house and yours is a slight color variation. Beige. Light beige. Dark beige. Beige, beige, beige. We tried to make our home unique on the inside by decorating with modern furniture and light fixtures. But it wasn’t enough. It hardly scratched the itch.

After Brad graduated, we moved back to the south. Suburbs are less common out here (though I’m convinced they are slowly taking over the world), so it’s nice to be in a place where each house is different from the neighbors. We still haven’t given up on our dream of a modern home. The upfront cost of building a new modern home from scratch was putting the dream just slightly out of reach. We live in a really expensive area so lot prices are outrageous. So instead of building, we’ve decided to buy a “normal” house and make it modern. We found the perfect house (it’s by the beach!!) and the bank accepted our offer. So now our journey begins! Follow us as we turn our piece of crap into the modern home of our dreams!