What can I say?


We like Raisin Bran. (Actually we prefer Post brand, but lately it’s been out of stock at Walmart.) Anyway, it was on a major sale this week! So much to Brad’s embarrassment, I cleared the shelf and put all of them in my cart.

Brad: “Everyone’s staring!”

Me: “No one cares what’s in our cart.”

Brad: “It’s the purple. It draws the eye right in. See? Even Ezra can’t stop staring.” (This was true.)

Well, we made it home just fine and the boys have already made it through two boxes. Plus, as an added bonus we get three free dvds! Score!

One reply on “What can I say?”

  1. Hey Beth!
    Great to read what’s happening with you. I love Raisin Bran too! 🙂 I bought six boxes of Honey Nut Cherrios for $1. Yep. I had tons of coupons and they were on sale. I was thrilled!
    I too have been on the losing weight train. Have you ever heard of nutrimirror.com? It is a FREE food/weight goal log. It has really changed my life. I started using Nutrimirror on March 28. Since then, I have lost 16.5lbs–only 13.5 to my goal. It has been amazing that I can still eat what I want–it’s just portion control (much like Weight Watchers).

    I hope you are doing well. Ezra is precious!

    Love you!

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