Taste of Beaufort

tob2The weekend before last was the Taste of Beaufort. The event is held in the downtown park and local restaurants and catering companies gather together to offer a sampling off their menu. It’s similar to the fair in that you buy a certain number of tickets and then redeem them at the different booths. We were a little disappointed that a couple of the restaurants we were hoping to try out didn’t participate in the event.  It was great, though – delicious food, live music, and lots of fun!


This was a crab cake sandwich from Barbara Jean’s. Look delicious? It was. They’re famous for their crab cakes. Brad and Ezra sure chowed down on this bad boy. It went quick! We also enjoyed a BBQ sandwich, pizza, and ice cream. YUM!


Ezra was the star of the show! So many people stopped to see him and say hi. One girl even asked to take a picture of him!


As you can see from the food all over his face, he really enjoyed the day. We all did. Can’t wait until next year!

4 replies on “Taste of Beaufort”

  1. Who wouldn’t want a picture of that face!! Does he keep his sunglasses on? I have noticed he has them on in a lot of pics.

  2. Hehe I knew it was you 🙂 It at least tells me the IP is something like utah.med.edu or something. So it’s an educated guess 🙂 I’m not sure if this emails a copy to you or not… I hope so! I don’t know how I got so lucky, but yes, Ezra does keep his sunglasses on! He loves them! He either thinks he looks cool (which he definitely does) or it’s novel to look through them and have everything be darker. Either way, I’m glad he wears them. Now if I can just get him to keep a hat on!

  3. I love this picture–and ALL your pictures! 🙂 So great reading about what’s going on in your life! 🙂 Hope all is going well!

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