Bye Bye Beetle

vw beetle

I posted ages ago about selling our beetle. We meant to. And we sorta tried. It was a half-hearted attempt on our part. We wrote on the car once and left it in the driveway until it rained and washed away the “For Sale” info. That was the extent of our effort.

We didn’t need the car. We work from home and we are always together. We simply have no need to be a two car family. Plus, it’s a beetle. We look like a clown car with a baby and a great dane in the back. About a month ago we decided to try again. So we left it in the driveway. Weeks went by. It rained. (It rained several times.) And with a recent pollen explosion from a nearby plant, the car was covered in a nice green film. You could hardly tell it was for sale. With no one stopping by (not that we were surprised), we gave up. We found a charity in Alabama that gives used cars to low income families and we planned to drop it off this summer on our way to the gulf. It was a nice excuse to take a vacation. We started contacting beach house rentals over the weekend to make a reservation when we got a knock on the door. A woman made a wrong turn on her way to the market. She noticed our car parked in the drive and wanted to know if it was for sale. Heck yeah it is! And boy, did this girl move quickly! We signed the papers and dropped the car off at her financing place the next morning.

So it’s gone. It happened so suddenly. I miss it. Beetles are great. When our kids are older (out of car seats at least) I want another one. Perhaps a convertible. That would be fun.  🙂

One reply on “Bye Bye Beetle”

  1. I’m sad about your beetle being out of the family. I have tried to talk Grandpa into one for years. My Dad owned a white little original beetle and I loved to drive it. It was not half as cute as yours. I don’t blame you for wanting another one someday. It will be great for the new owner.

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