Found photos

So Brad and I have been “stalking” a house over by Burkes Beach on HHI. We want it. Bad. (Disclaimer: No worries to anyone who thinks we’ll be living in SC forever! We won’t be and don’t plan on living here but a few more years. We just feel that for the time being this is where we need to be.) Anyway, back to the house. Every time we have an appointment on the island we swing by to check it out. Well, a couple of weeks ago we decided to check it out for real this time… only we didn’t want to bother the realtor (who is also the owner and therefore the seller) so we decided to grab our little camera and do a little B&E. (Hey, the back door was open and practically asking us to come in. Forget the fact that there were No Trespassing signs posted everywhere.) Two good things came from our illegal act: 1) I convinced Brad to put an offer in on the house and 2) We rarely use the little camera and when we downloaded the pictures of the house we found some way cute pictures of Ezra from last summer. These photos are the reason for this post.

These first pictures look like Ezra was taking them with the camera.


The little camera has a gazillion features on it. One of which is sepia tone. I was playing around with it one morning and took some shots of Ezra in his cute little truck pjs. BTW, I love his expression in every picture I’m posting here. He’s so cute!


And last, but not least, when I was reviewing the shots we took of the house that day Ezra wanted to play with the camera. To distract him, I asked him to smile for the camera. So what did he do? He smiled for the camera:


2 replies on “Found photos”

  1. This picture is Adorable! He is so cute and what’s with the teeth. He’s really growing up suddenly and the baby looks are dropping behind him. His eyes are sooo blue. We love this little guy!

  2. What happened with the house? We would love to see some pictures of it, too. You could just email them instead of on the blog.

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