Where did he go?

The sweet little baby boy I brought home from the birth center has been replaced! Where did he go?? He was oh so tiny and cute! I miss him so! In his place is this big boy on the right. He likes to laugh, play tag, have tickle fights, snuggle, drive his toy car, learn new words (like diaper and cheerio), and read books with mommy and daddy. I may miss my tiny baby, but I sure love the Ezra I have now!

We celebrated his birthday on Sunday. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by. It makes me so sad and I may start crying if I think about it too long! Luckily my little Ezra is a cuddle bug and absolutely loves snuggling in as close as he can for his hugs and kisses. I take advantage every chance I get! He’s grown so quickly and is learning so much every day. He is such an incredible joy and blessing to us. I love him more than words can say.