Yay for straight teeth!

I had braces back in junior high. I didn’t have them on very long – only about a year and a half. Not too long after they were removed my left incisor (the tooth next to my front tooth) started turning back. My orthodontist at the time added an attachment to my retainer to try to straighten it back out. It didn’t work. Looking back I wish I would have spoken up and insisted that he correct it even if it meant putting braces back on. (Of course I was 13 and would never had said anything to my orthodontist. Not to mention the fact that I would have died at the though of having braces put back on!) Anyway, over the years the tooth has become worse. I don’t mind it too bad until I see it in a picture. I went in for a consultation at a local orthodontist to see about having braces put back on. Instead of braces however, he felt he could achieve excellent results just from a retainer. Sweet! And the best part? It was only $400! Braces would have cost me $3500! I received my new retainer two weeks ago. I forgot how sore your teeth get when they are moving! I could hardly eat the first few days! I can already tell a big difference so I don’t think it will take too long. My orthodontist said treatment would take about a year. I’ll post before and after pictures when I’m all done.

One reply on “Yay for straight teeth!”

  1. My teeth moved too! Did you go to Dr. Thedford, too? He wanted to put braces back on me as well but I refused, for the same reasons! I just deal with my crooked teeth. If Ezra ever has to have braces, wait until he’s older and his teeth have stopped moving!

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