Murphy’s Cousin

the modern home - moving day

As you may have gathered (maybe because I said it in the last post) we’re back. Gone 4 months. Phew. Loooong trip! But wonderful to get to spend so much time with both our families.

Boxes are everywhere. We rented a moving truck and FINALLY brought home all of the stuff we’ve been storing at my mom’s house for the past 5 years. Boy does that feel good to have done! Check out the suspenders Ezra found in the back of the moving truck. He wanted to wear them while he helped move boxes. So cute!

Seeing as how we’re back in our house and seeing as how I haven’t been posting about the building process like I said I would be while we were traveling… your super sleuth skills may have deduced that we didn’t sell. Nearly 6 months after the initial offer and 3 closing extensions later, the whole thing fell through. The entire experience was extremely frustrating to say the least. I won’t get into the details here as far as the hows and whys of it falling through, but suffice it to say that Murphy has a cousin. If Murphy’s law is anything that can go wrong will go wrong then his cousin’s law is the most ridiculous outcome is the one that will happen.

So we may or may not be back in limbo now. It depends on what we’re willing to do. Things/plans might be a changin’. Stay tuned!