Thank you, Walmart!

So, we have about a week before D-day (or should I say M-day for moving?) and it looks like this whole house selling thing is going to stick, which means we better get in gear and start packing!

walmart boxes

Because free is awesome, we checked out craigslist to see if anyone had any moving boxes they’d like to donate to our cause. Uh… negatory. For every one listing for free boxes there were like 30 more people asking for boxes. Not to be deterred, I turned to my facebook peeps for advice and got more than one suggestion to hit up Walmart (either that or a liquor store which for us would just be awkward). So, after a midnight run to Walmart, Brad came home with about 15 ideally sized cereal/moving boxes. (BTW Kelloggs boxes are much better than Post. Grab those.) Since most of our stuff is already in storage, packing has been a breeze (sorta… I forgot how bad I hate packing); we’re already a quarter of the way through!

In other news, I got a new treadmill today and I’m ridiculously excited about it! I’ve been waiting to get one until we move since we have no room in this house. No more lugging my butt to the gym!

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