The Playground

Birthday shout outs to Julie (today) and April (yesterday). Hope 27 rocks for you both!


Brad and I have started taking Ezra to the playground downtown. It’s a neat little playground that was designed to fit in with the old world/nautical vibe that downtown Beaufort is famous for. The equipment is two ships and an antebellum home. Neat, huh? Anyway, since Ezra is a little older  (I guess 14 months is a little older  🙂  ) he’s able to enjoy it a little more. His confidence is increasing a lot. He’s mastered the slide – even going down head first! And he is even starting to interact a little more with the kids around him. (That’s big! He’s only around us day in and day out so he tends to be a little reserved with others.) He loves going to the playground so much that he screams bloody murder when we pick him up to leave and continues to scream until we’re almost home. We’re going to try distracting him with a cookie next time to see if that works. If anyone has any other tips or suggestions they’re much appreciated  🙂

3 replies on “The Playground”

  1. I hate the playground, because of the very reason you are describing. Time-to- leave drama. Now, with older children, you can reason with them (5 minute warning when you know you are leaving in 15) Plus, the stress of being right there incase they fall and break their neck. At his age it was an unfun adventure. But, you are a nice mom. Try the cookie. It might work.

  2. Ha ha! You don’t sound too hopeful about the cookie idea 🙂 The drama is awful though. All eyes are suddenly on you and your hysterical child. It probably looks like are abducting him! I don’t know how to handle these new tantrums. He throws them any time he doesn’t get what he wants now. Any suggestions?

  3. He’s so cute a Grandma can’t hardly believe he gets upset over anything! He is growing up!

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