It’s not dead!

modern houseplant

I bought a new house plant last week. An Earth Day present to myself.

Not really.

I happened to be at Lowes running errands and I can’t go to Lowes (or Home Depot) without scouring the plant section to see if they carry any fiddle leaf figs. They never do, but I’m determined to one day be the proud owner of one so I keep looking.

Anyway, I spotted this little guy all alone and decided to take him home. It’s an Alocasia Poly and (after getting it home) I’ve read that they are temperamental. That sucks.

It’ll probably be dead in a couple of months, but for now it’s been 8 days and counting and it’s still going strong. Wish me luck!

2 replies on “It’s not dead!”

  1. I love these plants – they remind me of dragons somehow (is that weird?)… I used to have one a while back, but I think I killed it… am crossing my fingers for your one though – he looks strong!

  2. He he – that’s not weird! I like unique looking plants. I thought it was a begonia of some sort. I used to have an Angel Wing Begonia a while back that I was able to keep alive, but we sold our last house furnished so I left it behind. I don’t have a good track record for keeping plants alive, but hopefully this one makes it through!

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