Photo Booth Flashback

I was digging through the archives on the Time Capsule and came across a few oldie but goodies of Ezra in Photo Booth from a long since dead laptop. Since I shared some Photo Booth last week I though I’d share these, too. Apparently he was fascinated with his tongue for a long time. 🙂  He’s two in this first set and still has some of that cute baby chub. Where did it go?? His expression in the bottom right picture cracks me up. (Lets ignore my weird geographical tongue.)

This last set is from a different laptop which is also dead. I’m telling you we burn through these things! Actually, the kids killed both laptops. Ezra puked on the first one and Memphis yanked the screen back on the latest and somehow killed it. We’ve been a one computer family for a few weeks now, but we’re going to do have to something about that soon if we want to travel this summer. These are from last fall. He’s showing off his Buckaroo football from Monticello’s homecoming game.

I also found a really funny video of us as a family, but it’s embarrassingly nerdy. (I may or may not have broke out in the robot dance for no apparent reason.) Maybe one day I’ll share… maybe…