

If any of you have dug through the archives recently you may have noticed some new posts sprinkled in throughout. That’s because I’ve been keeping a separate family blog for a few years now and I have recently decided to merge the two.

I’ve never really sat down and decided on a future for The Modern Home. We started it to blog about building our house, but didn’t plan beyond that. After giving it some thought I’ve decided I would like it to be not just about our house, but about our home. I’ll still be posting all the details of our house and other design related topics, but I’ll also be sharing more daily life/family stuff. Personal posts make it on this blog every once in a while there will just be more of them. Plus, I like to share things like recipes and random bits on our personal blog. Those will now be included on The Modern Home. So I guess you could call this more of a lifestyle blog or a nesting blog… or both… or something… I don’t know.

Anywho, if you’d like, you can click back through and see all of the old Young Love posts from our personal site. They’re labeled under life for now. I’ll try to be more specific at some point.