Thanksgiving Prep

turkey brine recipe

It’s too close to my due date to do any traveling for the holidays. Since we don’t live anywhere near either of our families, we’re on our own for Thanksgiving this year. I haven’t cooked a Thanksgiving meal in years, so I’m a little nervous about being rusty. Luckily it’s just the three of us so there’s no pressure  🙂  I’m planning on using this recipe (pictured above) from the Pioneer Woman to brine the turkey. Mmm… I can almost smell it now! We’ve also got some other yummy dishes planned. I’m going to try my hand at my first ever pumpkin pie and Brad’s making a cheesecake!

2 replies on “Thanksgiving Prep”

  1. I know from plenty of experience – that you pretty much can not go wrong with any pioneer woman recipe. Everything I have tried from her site has been amazing. Good luck with your Thanksgiving dinner – and with having that baby!

  2. Your dinner plans sound way better than ours! We are having taco soup. Actually we’ll be doing the turkey dinner on Saturday. Wish we could come to yours and you could come to ours but what you are doing is way more important than any dinner. Love you

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