Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Recipe

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our holiday feast went off with only a few minor hitches. Here was our menu:

Turkey & Gravy 
Garlic & Rosemary Mashed Potatoes
My Mom’s Stuffing Recipe (Brad loves this and can’t get enough)
Green Bean Casserole
Potato Rolls (Not homemade but still good)
Pumpkin Pie 
Turtle Cheesecake

Not a ton of variety as you can see, but there were only three of us and one of the three happened to be a picky two year old who refused to eat anything other than picking at a roll.

So the ‘hitches’ we encountered were that the turkey took an hour longer to cook than what it was supposed to which was torture because the seasoning I used smelled mouthwatering. The other problem was that I decided to use a gravy seasoning packet instead of homemade. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! Way too salty and just plain old gross. I’ve also decided that I hate (and I mean HATE) carving a whole bird. I’ve done it at least a half dozen times before and it sucks every time. So from now on I’m only buying a turkey breast. This pancetta-wrapped recipe pictured above looks yummy. I think I’ll give it a go next year.

The desserts were also delicious, too. The pumpkin pie (my first ever!) was surprisingly easy to make and turned out awesome. And the cheesecake? Well lets just say we ended up making three by the weekend.

3 replies on “Our Thanksgiving”

  1. Hope it was a happy one. We missed you. Wish you could have been there. Really wish you could have been there. You know me…mother hen. I like everyone to gather. Love, E

  2. Love your style really….
    I think we have a lot things in common..
    Introduce myself Eridanie.. you can call me Erin. I’m graphic designer from Indonesia 🙂

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