It’s A Boy!

It's a boy

It's a boy

It's a boy

I’ve been referring to this baby as he and him this entire time. I assumed it was just because my last pregnancy was a boy and it’s habit. Guess not! We’re super excited that Ezra gets to have a baby brother! We’re trying to get him pumped about it. He loves babies, but he looks at me like I have two heads when we say there’s a baby in mommy’s tummy.  🙂

The girl that did our ultrasound was very thorough and gave him a excellent bill of health. She was even pointing out things like his lips (not that I could tell what I was looking at!) I’m relieved that he’s healthy. I’ve felt extra paranoid about this pregnancy. When it came time to determine the gender she thought she caught a glimpse, but when she tried to make sure this little guy did not want to cooperate – Mr. Modest kept his legs closed for at least 5 more minutes! Anyway, we’re very excited!

One reply on “It’s A Boy!”

  1. We are super excited too! I called Grandpa and had him guess. We both guessed wrong but that is just because we wanted Ezra to have a brother so bad we were afraid we had jinxed it all. Glad to find out we didn’t. Love you!

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