Our Modern Home: Choosing a new location

our modern home

As you may remember form our last update, we walked away from the house we had planned to remodel into a modern home and decided to build from scratch instead. Since then we’ve been scouting around the island looking for a new location to build our modern house. We have a few requirements that the new lot has to meet:

1) First and foremost, the lot has to fit within our price range. We refuse to overextend ourselves even if the lot is otherwise perfect.

2) The lot must be “Off Plantation”. The majority of the island consists of huge master planned gated communities known as plantations. They have strict regulations for everything right down to the color, type, and placement of your mailbox. We need freedom from ARBs (architectural review boards) to build whatever style home we want (obviously in our case a modern home).

3) We want to be close to the beach. The closer the better. We don’t have several million to spend on an ocean front lot, but we’d at least like to be able to walk to the beach everyday.

4) The house plans we created were designed to fit within the dimensions of the house we previously intended to remodel. We’ve decided to still use these plans, but this means that the new lot will need to be wide enough to fit the house.

There have been some amazing properties listed just recently that we’re really excited about. We’ve found five different lots that meet all of our requirements: size, price, location, and no ARB. We have offers in on two of them.

I’ll post details soon.