Feed My Sheep


Or in this case… eat my sheep. Sheep cupcakes I mean. We held a teacher appreciation dinner for our primary teachers on Wednesday. (Primary is the Sunday School program for children ages 18 months to 11 years.) Our theme was “Feed My Sheep” I was in charge of dessert so I [attempted] to make sheep cupcakes. (They resemble sheep, right? Before you laugh too hard keep in my that all of my baking supplies are in storage so I had to use sandwich bags to decorate them. I can’t wait to move!!!) The tasty little lambs were a big hit! Ezra says “baaa” to let me know he wants one. 🙂

3 replies on “Feed My Sheep”

  1. DARLING idea, Beth! Thanks for posting! I have LOTS of cake deco supplies…let me know if you ever need to borrow anything!
    Lisa Clancy

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